The Delicious Food


1.Muskmelon is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that's vital for the growth and maintenance of body tissues.
 2.Watermelon contains amino acids-citrulline and arginine-which heip overall cardiovascular function.
 3.Custard apples(sitafal) contain vitamin A which keeps your skin and hair healthy.
         4.Mashed papaya is good to treat sore and cracked heels.
 5.Turmeric is a natural antiseptis and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
6.Chewing on ginger can treat sensations of nausesa due to motion sickness and seasickness.
7.Cashew nuts lower your blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in them.
8.The potassium and magnesium contents of raisins help reduce acidity and remove toxins from the body. corn increases antioxidant activity, which helps protect the body from cancer and heart disease.
10.Basil leaves, rich in vitamin A, iron and minerals, help protect against age-related macular disease.
 11.Munching an apple stimulates flow of saliva, Which lowers leaves of bacteria and prevents tooth decay.
 12.Going through menopause?Include flaxseeds in your diet. Rich in phytoestrogens, they can be your natural hormone therapy.
13.Banana are rich in iron content and help the boby's haemoglobin function.
 14.Eggs contain naturally occurring Vitamin D, which is good for the bones
15.The flavonoids and carotenoids in kiwi protect your DNA from oxygen-related damage and inhibit cancer growth
 16.Sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium, which is a relaxation and anti-stress mineral.
17.Nevermind the smell, onions are rich in fibre and Vitamin C, and inhibit tumor growth.
 18.Have a sore throat? Gargle with diluted tamarind pulp for 30 secods
19.Mushrooms are a rare vegetable source of Vitamin D which is good for the bones.                                                                          

20.Figs help in make your bones denser and stronger as they are                                                             loaded with calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.

                                                                  21.Baby corn contains carotenoids which promote eye health                                                                                       


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