19.Soya Nuggets with Greens
![Image result for Soya Nuggets with Greens photo]()
- Spinach-2 medium bunches
- Khatta leaves-1/2 medium bunch
- Oil-4 tbsp
- Cumin seeds-1/2tsp
- Onion (finely chopped)-2
- Ginger (finely chopped)-1 inch piece
- Green chilli (finely chopped)-3 to 4
- Brinjal (small,cut into 1 inch cubes)-2
- Chana Dal (soaked)-4 tbsp
- Tomatoes (large roughly chopped)-2
- Tumeric powder-1/4 tsp
- Red chilli powder-2 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Cut the spinach and half the khatta leaves into fine shreds. Heat oil in a pressure cooker and add the cumin seeds, onions, ginger and green chillies and saute till golden brown. Add some water. Add the spinach, whole khatta leaves, shredded khatta leaves, brinjal, potato cubes, soaked chana dal, tomatoes, tumeric powder, chilli powderand salt. Stir in two cups of water. Seal the cooker with the lid and cook on high heat till the pressure is released once. Once cooked, remove the potato cubes with a slotted spoon and blend the remaining mixturewith a hand blender. Add the potato cubes. Serve hot.
- Oil-2 tbsp
- Cumin seeds-1 tsp
- Green chillies (slit)-1
- Onion (diced)-1
- Ginger paste-1 tsp
- Garlic paste-1 tsp
- Tomatoes (diced)-2
- Coriander powder-2 tsp
- Cumin powder-1 tsp
- Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
- Red chilli powder-1 tsp
- Dry mango powder-1 tsp
- Potatoes (peeled and cut into 8-10 pieces each)-5 to 6
- Shelled peas-1 cup
- Garam masala-1 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Coriander leaves-2 tbsp
- In a wok,heat oil and add cumin seeds. Add green chillies and onions. Saute onions till they turn soft. Add ginger and garlic paste and saute for another minute. Add tomatoes, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric, red chilli and dry mango powders and saute for a minute. Lastly, add potatoes and peas and half a cup of water. Add salt to taste. Cover the pan and cook till potatoes are soft. Turnoff tha fine, sprinkle garam masala and cover immediately Open after a few minutes, garnish with coriander leaves and serve.
- Brinjal (small and round)-5 to 6
- Tomato-1
- Onion-2
- French beans(cut into 1 1/2 -inch long pieces)-5 to 6
- Paneer (cut into cubes)-100gm
- Mustard and cumin seeds-A pinch (each)
- Oil-2 tsp
- Turmeric powder-As per taste
- Salt-As per taste
- Groundnuts-2 tbsp
- Malvani masala-2 tsp
- Maggi coconut milk powder-2 tsp
- Heat the oil in a large microwave-safe glass bowl for microwave-safe glass bowl for 2 minutes.Add cumin and mustard seeds, and microwave for another minute. Open and add paste (made of tomato and groundnuts),onion (after it's been cut into big pieces). French beans and brinjals (cut into halves). Stir and add Malvani masala, turmeric and salt. Microwave for another minutes. Now, add 3 cups of water and microwave (covered) for another 8 minutes, till the dish gets a gravy-like consistency. Mix in coconut milk powder dissolved in little water and also add the paneer cubes. Now, again microwave for another minutes,with a lid.This spicy dish is now ready to be devoured with steaming hot rice.
5.CHANA MASALA WITH BRIJAL AND POTATOES![](https://louisiana.kitchenandculture.com/sites/default/files/recipes/Louisiana%20Kitchen%20%26amp%3B%20Culture/almond-bacon-green-beans.jpg)
- Green beans (fresh ends trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces)-1/2 kg
- Garlic (minced)-2tsp
- Olive oli-2 tbsp
- Almonds (sliced and oven roasted)-3/4cup
- Cajun sesonings-1 1/4 tsp
- Place beans in salted water in Dutch oven. Bring to a boil. Boil for seven minutes until green beans are crisp and tender. Drain and plunge into cold water. Dry your Datch oven and add olive oil and saute garlic for about one minute over medium heat. Add the beans and saute for another two or three minutes. Add almonds 3/4 tsp cajun seasoning and saute for another minute, stirring occasionally , place beans in serving bowl and sprinkle with remaining 1/2 teaspoon cajun seasoning.
- Soak 100gms of whole chana overnight and the next morning pressure cook it with somesalt in it.
- Onion (medium sized)-1
- Tomato(medium sized)-1
- Red chilli powder-1 tsp
- Coriander powder-2 tsp
- Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
- Jeera powder -1/2 tsp
- Black pepper powder-1/4 tsp
- Grated coconut-1 cup (Grind the coconut to make fine paste)
- Edible oil-1 1/2 tbs
- Chop onions into small pieces. Pour the oil in a vessel and fry the chopped onions till it turns golden brown. Add 1/2 spoon turmeric powder and then add the potatoes and let it cook for some time. After it is cooked, add brinjal and all the other ingredients to it. After the potatoes and brinjals are cooked well then add chanas and the coconut paste. Add salt if needed. Let it cook for 5 minutes Garnish with coriander leaves while serving.
- Green peas-1/2 kg
- Ginger garlic paste-3tsp
- Chopped onion-1 big
- Garam masala powder-2 tsp
- Chopped tomato-1 medium
- Cube sized cut potatoes (medium)-2
- Jeera powder-2 tsp
- Red chilli powder-1 tsp
- Salt and sugar as per taste
- Chopped coriander leaves
- Put mustard oil in pan and fry potatoes and keep aside. Put onions and fry it till it become golden brown . Add green peas and fry a little. Add fried potatoes in the pan. Add all ingredients (except garam masala powder), mix well and cook on low flame for 25 to 30 minutes.After potato and green peas get, add garam masala powder and chopped corriander.
- Serve hot with roti,paratha or puri.
- Raw jackfruit-500gm
- Potatoes-2
- Oil-3tsp
- Onions-2
- Ginger-garlic paste-2 tsp
- Turmeric powder ,cumin,coriander.red chilli powder-1 tsp each
- Bay leaves-2 to 3
- Cardamom, cloves and cinnamon (each)-2/3 piece
- Tomato puree-1 cup
- Tamarind paste-1 tsp
- Garam masala-1 tsp
- Ghee-1 tsp
- Coriander leaves
- Oil your hand and remove the skin and inner base portion of the jackfruit. Cut both the jack and potatoes in cubes.
- Boil water and put the pieces in boiling water along with the potato pieces. Drain the water after five minutes
- In a pan, heat oil, add rhe pieces of cardamom, clove and cinnamon. Once it starts cracking, add the sliced onions and saute till brown. Add the ginger-garlic paste, tumeric, cumin, coriander, red chilli powder,bay leaves, garam masala and saute.Add tomato puree and a little water.
- Once the oil separates, add jackfruit and potato pieces,two cups of water, salt and tamarind paste. Cover the lid and cook for 15 minutes. Check the gravy, add ghee and garnish with coriander leaves.
- Fresh mustard leaves(chopped)-4 cups
- Spinach (chopped)-2 cups
- Ghee- tbsp
- Onions (medium chopped)-2
- Ginger (chopped)-2 inch piece
- Garlic (chopped)-6 to 8 cloves
- Green chillies (chopped)-4 to 6
- Red chilli powder-1 tsp
- Cornmeal-2 tbsp
- Unsalted butter-2 tbsp
- salt to taste
- Heat two tbsp of ghee in a pan. Add onion and saute till light brown. Add ginger,garlic and green chillies and saute for a few minutes more. Add red chilli powder, mustard leaves, spinach leaves and continue to saute for a couple of minutes. Add salt and cook moderate heat for ten minutes. Add cornmeal and a little water and cook till the greens are soft. Cool slightly and transfer the mixture to a blender and process to a slightly coarse mixture. Heat the remaining ghee and butter in the same pan. Add the ground mixture and cook for five to ten minutes. Serve hot with makki di roti.
- Rajma or kidney beans-1 1/2 cup
- Channa dal - 1 tbsp
- Onions-2
- Ginger-1 inch
- Garlic-1 flakes
- Tomatoes-3 (pureed)
- Bay leaf-1
- Black cardamom-1 (only seeds needed)
- Cloves-2
- Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
- Coriander powder-3 tsp
- Red chili powder-1 tsp
- Amchur powder-1/4 tsp
- Garam masala-1/2 tsp
- Curd-1/2 cup (beaten well)
- Coriander-2 tbsp
- Oil-2 tbsp
- Salt to taste
- Soak rajma and channa dal overnight, then cook them in a pressure cooker with a little salt.
- Grind onion, ginger, and garlic to paste. Heat oil in a kadhai and add bay leaf, black cardamom seeds and clove.
- Add onion, ginger and garlic paste and fry till it turns golden brown.
- Reduce heat and add turmeric powder, coriander powder, chili powder, amchur powder and garam masala. Stic the ingredients for about two minutes. Add tomato puree and cook in medium flame till tomatoes turn dry and oil separates
- Reduce heat and add beaten curd to it and stir continuously till the masala turns red
- Now strain the rajma and chana dal and keep the stock aside.
- Add them to the kadhai and stir-fry on medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, mashing occasionally
- Add the rajma stock and salt according to your taste and let it cook for 5 minutes.
- Remove from fire, garnish with coriander leaves and serve with steam rice.
- Shev / gathia-1.5 cup
- Onion medium chopped-1
- Cloves of garlic (crushed)-8 to 10
- Dry coconut (grated and roasted)-2 tbsp
- Mustard seeds-1 tsp
- Cumin-1 tsp
- Hing-1/2 tsp
- Red chili powder-2 tsp
- Turmeric-1 tsp
- Kala masala-1 tsp
- Chopped coriander for garnishing
- Pound together the garlic cloves and dry coconut to a paste in a mortar without adding any water. Heat oil in a kadhai, add mustard and cumin. Once they splatter, add hing, chopped onions and saute till translucent. Add the garlic and khopra paste and saute on low flame for half a minutes. Add turmeric, followed by red chili powder and finally kala masala and mix well. Add 1 tbsp water to prevent the masala from burning Saute till oil floats on top. Now add 1.5 cup water and mix well. Bring it to a boil. Add the shev to the boiling mixture and let it simmer for two minutes. The mixture might turm frothy when the shev absorbs the gravy. Turn off the flame, garnish with chopped coriander and serve immediately if you don't want the farsan to disintegrate into the curry.
- Big brinjal (cut into halves)-300 gm
- Tomato paste-30 gm
- Black jaggery-10 gm
- Garam masala-5 gm
- Crushed peanuts-10 gm
- Chili paste-5 gm
- Turmeric powder-2 gm
- Coriander powder-2 gm
- Lime juice-1/2
- Chat masala-5 gm
- Salt as per taste
- Rub the brinjal with salt and pepper and set aside for 20 minutes. Slit the vegetable diagonally with a sharp knife to make quarters and deep fry it until light brown and keep aside. Blend tomato paste, black jaggery, garam masala powder, Turmeric into fine paste. Apply this mixture on the brinjal and let it rest for 20 more minutes. Now bake the brinjals in a pre-heated oven for five minutes at 220 degree Celsius. Garnish with crushed peanuts and lemon juice. Serve hot.
- Cauliflower florets-1 cup
- Onion (finely chopped)-1 1/2
- Tomato (finely chopped)-1 1/2
- Coriander-2 tsp
- Curd-2 tsp
- Red chili powder-1/2 tsp
- Coriander powder-1 tsp
- Turmeric-1/2 tsp
- Cashew nut paste-2 tsp
- Ginger- garlic paste-1 tsp
- Half cup of water
- Salt to taste
- Heat oil in a pan: add chopped onion till it becomes golden brown in colour. Add ginger garlic paste, chopped tomatoes and saute for two minutes. Add all powder spices and salt and cook till the tomatoes absorb the flavour. Then add curds and saute till it blended well.Now add the cauliflower florets and saute them well till the masala mixed properly. Add the cashew paste and enough water to cook. Garnish with coriander leaves. You could also one piece of cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves to enhance the taste.
- Small ripe mangoes-4
- Coconut-1/2
- Jeera-1 tsp
- Chili powder-1 tbsp
- Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
- Curd-1 cup
- rai-1 tsp
- Red chilies-2
- Methi seeds-1/2 tsp
- Curry leaves-2 spring
- Take a cooking vessel. put into it the whole ripe mangoes duly peeled. Add two glasses water, salt according to taste, turmeric powder and chili powder.Cover it and let it cook on for some time. Meanwhile,grind the coconut and jeera to a coarse paste.when the mangoes start boiling add the ground masala let it cook for some time about 10 minutes.Whisk the curd properly and add it to the boiling curry. The curd should not be cooked for a long time. As soon as it rises up once the gas should be put off.
- FOR THE TEMPERING-Take 2 tsp of oil in a kadai. Add 1 tsp rai. When the rai starts spluttering add to it two red chilies broken into pieces Add 1/2 tsp methi seeds,2 springs of curry leaves. When the red chilies become light brown put off the gas and pour this mixture over the mango curry. Serve the curry with steaming hot rice.
- Fresh green peas-250 gm
- Freshly grinded coconut-1/2 bowl
- Coriander leaves-1 bowl
- Green chilies-4 to 5 (Add more if you like it spicy)
- Ginger-1 small piece
- Garlic-2 to 3 cloves
- Lemon juice-1/2 tbsp
- Turmeric powder-1 tsp
- Sugar-1/2 tsp
- Oil-4 tsp
- Mustard seeds-1 tsp
- Asafoetida (hing)-1/4 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Make a fine paste of chopped coriander leaves, fresh coconut, ginger,garlic and green chilies.
- Take a heavy bottom kadai, heat oil, add mustard, turmeric powder, asafoetida, let it crackle. Then add ground green masala paste, saute it well, add one cup of water, carefully mix the masala. Add green peas in the masala and saute again stirring it properly. Add salt and sugar as per taste and mix it well. Let the peas cook for 10 to 12 minutes, check the consistency nd add water if you need or as per taste, the gravy should not too thick or runny, add lemon juice.
- Serve hot.
- Ladyfingers slit and cut into big pieces 250 grams
Tamarind Pulp 1 teaspoon
Onions 3 medium
Oil 2 tablespoons
Mustard seeds 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves 6-7
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon
Coriander powder 3 teaspoons
Red chilli powder 2 teaspoons
Peanuts roasted and crushed 2 tablespoons
A few thin strips of ginger for garnishing
- Cut onions into big cubes.
- Heat oil in a non-stick pan, add mustard seeds and let them splutter. Add onions and curry leaves and sauté for a minute. Add ladyfingers and mix well. Add salt and turmeric powder and mix well. Cover and cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
- Add coriander powder and red chilli powder. Cover and continue to cook.
- Add tamarind pulp and mix well. Add peanuts. Cover and continue to cook for 5 minutes.
- Transfer into a serving bowl and serve hot garnished with ginger strips.
Chickpeas 3/4 cup
Fresh coriander 1/4 cup
Fresh coriander leaves,small 1 bunch
Salt to taste
Cinnamon 1/2 inch p
Cumin seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons
Coriander seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons
Black cardamom 1
Clove 4-5
Green chillies 2
Ghee 4 tablespoons
Onion sliced 12 medium
Ginger paste 1 teaspoon
Garlic paste 1 teaspoon
Dry mango powder (amchur) 1/2 tablespoon
Garam masala powder 1/2 teaspoon
Black salt (kala namak) to taste
Red chilli powder 1/4 teaspoon
- Soak the chickpeas and the Bengal gram separately for four to six hours. Drain and mix.
- Add three cups of water and a little salt and pressure-cook till the pressure is released five or six times (five or six whistles).
- Lightly roast and powder the cinnamon, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, black cardamom and cloves.
- Grind the fresh coriander and green chillies to a smooth paste.
- Heat three tablespoons of ghee in a non stick kadai; add the onion and sauté for three or four minutes till golden brown.
- Add the ginger paste and garlic paste and continue to sauté for another minute.
- Add the roasted spice powder, dried mango powder, garam masala powder, black salt and coriander-green chilli paste and sauté for two or three minutes, or till the ghee separates from the masala.
- Add the chickpeas and Bengal gram, and mix. Add half a cup of water if the mixture is too dry.
- Adjust the salt and bring the mixture to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for four or five minutes.
- Heat the remaining ghee in a small pan; take it off the heat and add the chilli powder. Pour immediately over the chana and cover the pan.
- Leave to stand for five minutes. Serve hot with puri.
- Green capsicum 2 medium
- Sesame seeds (black) 2 1/2 cup
- Roasted peanuts 1/2 cup
- Oil 2 tablespoons
- Mustard seeds 1 teaspoon
- Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
- Curry leaves 10-12
- Onions, chopped 2 medium
- Ginger, chopped 1 inch pie
- Garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon
- Turmeric powder 1 teaspoon
- Coriander powder 1 teaspoon
- Red chilli powder 1 teaspoon
- Salt to taste
- Tamarind pulp 1/2 teaspoon
- Cut the capsicums into pieces, discarding the seeds.
- Heat oil in a non-stick pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves. Sauté for 1 minute.Add onions and sauté till light brown.
- Crush roasted peanuts in a grinder. Add sesame seeds and grind coarsely. Add ginger, garlic and turmeric powder to the pan. Mix well.
- Add coriander powder, red chilli powder and capsicum pieces. Toss to mix.
- Add a little water, salt and mix well. Add a little more water and cook till the capsicum is soft. Add ground powder and mix well. Add tamarind pulp and mix well. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Serve hot.
18.Spinach Gnocchi in Cheese Garlic Sauce
![Image result for Spinach Gnocchi in Cheese Garlic Sauce photo](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rSLAoiF-1DE/hqdefault.jpg)
- Spinach puree 2 tablespoons
- Potatoes 250 grams
- Refined flour (maida) 75 grams
- Parmesan cheese powder 1 teaspoon
- Nutmeg powder a pinch
- Parmesan cheese powder 1 tablespoon
- Garlic cloves finely chopped 6-8
- Olive oil 2 tablespoons
- Red chilli flakes 1 teaspoon
- Salt to taste
- Vegetable stock 2-3 tablespoons
- Fresh parsley chopped 1 tablespoon
- Wash potatoes nicely and cook in the microwave on high heat for 6-8 minutes. Peel and grate them into a bowl. Add flour, Parmesan cheese powder, salt, nutmeg powder and spinach puree and mix well. Knead into soft dough.
- Boil 5-6 cups water in a deep non-stick pan. Divide the dough into smaller portion and roll into gnocchi with the help of a fork. Add to the boiling water and cook till they start to float on top. Drain and place them in chilled water.
- To make sauce, heat olive oil in a non-stick pan. Add garlic and sauté for half a minute.
- Add chilli flakes and sauté. Add salt and stock and mix. Add cooked gnocchi and toss.
- Serve hot garnished with parsley and Parmesan cheese powder.
- Soya Nuggets soaked for 1 hour and squeezed 2 cups
- Spinach shredded 1 cup
- Fresh fenugreek leaves (methi) roasted and peeled ½ cup
- Red pumpkin (bhopla/kaddu) peeled and cubed 1 cup
- Oil 1 tablespoon
- Cumin seeds ½ teaspoon
- Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
- Green chillies finely chopped 2
- Garlic minced 1 tablespoon
- Ginger minced 1 tablespoon
- Onion finely chopped 1 medium
- Tomato diced 1 large
- Salt to taste
- Cumin powder roasted 1 teaspoon
- Garam masala powder 1 teaspoon
- Black pepper powder ½ teaspoon
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